Summary of Dream Big Day (DBD) Testing
Summary of Dream Big Day (DBD) Testing Phase 1 Dream Big Day (DBD) pilot testing and prototyping is complete. 1. Testing Time Frame and Demographics Testing time frame | March…
National 529 College Savings Day and Plans
Here is who is talking about 529 college savings plans and some of their key points! 1. Deseret News: National College 529 Savings Day Take Aways: *Friday, 5/29/15, is national college…
Life long learning is a great habit. Who I learned from today!
Always be learning! - Step 6 of Sammy Rabbit's 12 Steps to Make Big Dreams Come True Life-long learning is a great habit. You can learn from anyone. We can all learn…
Tim Hamilton, CFP, Financial Families Join Dream Big Day Campaign
“It’s a Habit” is delighted to announce Tim Hamilton and Financial Families is bringing Sammy Rabbit’s Dream Big Day Experience to Pickerington, Ohio. Tim is the first Certified Financial Planner (CFP)…
The American Dream
The American Dream - it stirs enormous emotion. It inspires massive hope. It prompts awe-inspiring actions. Several years ago I was invited to address the American Savings Education Council to discuss…
Students learn to dream big!
Walnut Elementary School in Baldwin Park California will bring children's author Sam X Renick and the Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Day Experience to 600 students on Monday, March 2, 2015,…
Walnut Elementary School Dream Big Day Experience
"It's a Habit" is pleased to share Walnut Elementary School in Baldwin Park, California will host a Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Day Experience on Monday, March 2, 2015. The purpose…