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Financial education entrepreneurs Paul Vasey (pictured above) and Bill Morris (pictured below) have a big dream! They want to help solve teen financial illiteracy. “The problem is enormous,” shares Vasey. “It just does not just plague the United States. It is devastating young dreams around the world.”

“The statistics are staggering,” Vasey continues. “Nearly 30 percent of Americans report they have no emergency savings. The U.S. is ranked 27th out of 28 countries in the percentage of teenagers who are prepared to manage their money, according to a financial literacy survey released by VISA. Money is essential to day to day life, unfortunately teenagers appear to little knowledge and poor skills on how to manage it. That is why Bill and I created  www.CashCrunchGames.com and a FREE App called CashCrunch101.”

Vasey, a former teacher in the United Kingdom who taught business and Morris, a financial executive, health enthusiast, and motivational speaker hope it is the first of many games and financial education learning resources to come.

CashCrunch101 focuses directly on improving the money management skills, habits and behavior of players. The goal is to have lessons learned and practiced via the App transferto the real world. The game addresses topics such as income, expenses, spending and saving.  Players see in real time the ramifications of wise and unwise money management choices in a fun and non-intimidating environment.

“We want students to learn from their money mistakes in a game and not in the real world,” stated Vasey. “Right now Bill and I are concentrating our efforts on taking the game to the next level. We would love to jam pack the App with even more money knowledge and lessons.

“We invite and welcome everyone to visit us. I think visitors will love the game and respect our dedication and passion for youth financial literacy.”


You can discover more about Paul, Bill and their journey as entrepreneurs and educators at any of the following sites: Kickstarter | Cash Crunch Website | FacebookTwitter

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