Great Money Habits Make Big Dreams Come True – Part 4
6 Strategies to Help Kids Discover Earning Money is Fun To Do!
“You can have anything you want, if you are willing to work hard for it!” -Max E. Renick
If you are going to teach a child great money habits, then you have to teach them them about earning money. Learning to earn money is a super duper great money habit!
As a child, I grew up with the essentials. In our home it meant food, shelter, education and consistent guidance from my father, like, I could have anything I want, IF, I was willing to work hard for it! I knew he was serious. How? Simple. He would help me cut lawns, wash cars, have yard sales, etc. He always did it with a positive attitude. While he would rarely have money to give me for soda or potato chips, he would always find money to make certain I had the tools to earn money. It sent me several unmistakable messages. Work hard. Love your work. Give your best. Deliver more than you promise. He loved me.
Teaching kids to develop a strong work ethic is not only a great money habit, it is a great gift and a requisite skill for making big dreams come true. Here are six strategies to help you give your kids the gift of a strong work ethic and position them to make big dreams come true.
1. Shape your child’s mindset and attitude toward work! Talk about work in positive terms. Use words like earn, build, develop, create, make, hustle, and passion. Develop some go to phrases you can repeat often like, I love to work; earning money is fun to do; I like building my work muscle; I love to work and hustle to get the things I want and need. One phrase I am not fond of is “money doesn’t grow on trees.” Why? Because it undermines what I believe is one of money’s most motivating and attractive features, its ability to compound. Invest time sharing stories with kids about the work you, your family, and ancestors have performed throughout the years.
2. Model and pour positivity and ferocity into your work. Demonstrate an exemplary work ethic.
3. Give kids an opportunity to work and earn their own money. Carve out special assignments for them that are above and beyond family chores. Have a yard sale. Join the lemonade day campaign and build a lemonade stand. The possibilities are limitless.
4. Take kids to work with you.
5. The next time your child asks for something, give them the opportunity to work for it.
6. Read kids Sammy’s Big Dream the storybook I authored and Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens.
FREE Resources
Find more information and FREE resources on the featured lyric video, Lemonade Stand, at the following links in Sammy Rabbit’s Dream Big Day Resource Center:
1. Lyrics
2. Vocabulary video
3. Sammy’s Big Dream – Storybook
4. Sammy’s Big Dream – Workbook
About Sam X Renick
Sam X Renick is an award winning author, financial educator, and social entrepreneur. He is the founder of the It’s a Habit Company, Inc., and co creator of children storybook character, Sammy Rabbit. Sam and Sammy travel the world sharing songs and stories on great money and reading habits with kids and families.