Friends of the Family’s Festival of Readers took place on Saturday, March 21, at Los Angeles Mission College, in San Fernando Valley.


It was a spectacular event celebrating reading. The festival included lots of fun and educational family activities! One of Sammy Rabbit’s favorites was a colorful wall and backdrop filled with messages and drawings from kids on the importance of reading. It was invigorating!


Friends of the Family with support of lots of wonderful partners like the Youth Policy Institute made certain children had lots of books and other goodies for their home libraries.


As  you might imagine both kids and parents were delighted with this well executed event filled with joyful and empowering experiences.


One of the cultural experiences that enthralled children was Aztec drumming.


Face painting was a big hit and produced many smiles.


The festival also inspired participants to think and ask important questions like, “What do you do with an idea?”


These are precisely the type of strategic events Sammy Rabbit loves to support. Purposeful events. Events that bring communities and families together. Events that enrich the lives of all who participate.


It was a blast for author Sam X Renick and Sammy Rabbit to share a portion of Sammy’s Dream Big Day Experience with families at the festival by reading Sammy’s Big Dream and singing their signature song Get in the Habit!


All in all in, the festival was a wonderful mixture of education and entertainment. Congratulations, big hugs and bunny-money tail shakes from Sammy Rabbit to all the people at Friends of the Family for investing their time and resources into producing such a rich family experience that will produce compounding returns for years to come. Go Friends of the Family!
