
Meet Sydney Englund, founder HorseCrazyGirls.com. She is a horse lover and young entrepreneur who dreams big! Like so many girls, Sydney has been in love with horses for as long as she can remember. Her mom says it started with Sydney’s first pony ride at the age two. Since then Syndey has been riding every chance she gets.

Sydney started HorseCrazyGirls.com at the age of 9 with her mom. It started out as a fun place where Sydney could share horse games and other fun things about horses she found online. Pretty quickly Sydney started hearing from girls who were as crazy about horses as she is. Traffic grew and last year HorseCrazyGirls.com had over 700,000 page views from girls in countries all around the world!

As Sydney has grown older, she has gotten increasingly involved in the website. Her big dream now is to create a business that allows her to ride competitively and also allows her to help support horse rescue organizations. She is working on several products, including one that will be benefit the environment. She expects her first product to launch this summer. As her business grows, she plans to pay it forward.

Sydney says horseback riding can become an expensive sport very quickly. Horses require a lot of care. Hay, feed, supplements, fly spray, and regular farrier visits add up fast! Riding gear and clothing are expensive. A good riding helmet can be a few hundred dollars and a good saddle can cost a few thousand dollars!

For Sydney, it’s all about priorities. Her mom says Sydney has been a saver since about four years old. That’s when they started playing Sammy Rabbit CD’s while driving in the car.  Riding and a good college education are at the top of Sydney’s list of priorities. So she does not spend much money on other things. She understands if she does it will mean having a lot less money for her dreams and the things she really wants.

Two of the things Sydney really wants are for horses to have great homes and for girls to experience the magic she does every time she rides her horse Sinatra. That’s why Sydney dreams big! And, that is why she is working ferociously to make those dreams come true!

Go Sydney! You can discover more about Sydney, her big dreams and Horse Crazy Girls in the following locations:

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Reading and Resources
One Girl’s Big Dream!
Will Angel become the next superstar SpaceX engineer?
What it means to dream big and do big!
Oklahoma State Students Volunteer to Inspire Kids Dreams
Entrepreneur.com Matthew Toren: 3 Ways to Teach Your Kids About Entrepreneurship

Make a Difference – Teach Kids to Dream and Do Big!
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