Parents Possess Power to Shape Kids Money Habits
Here are financial experts who have recently been talking and writing about great money habits and what they are saying!
(1) 5/18/15 – Lynn Adriani, Huffington Post: 4 Habits to Steal from the Very Wealthy
Key Take Away:
- Just because you can pay for it, doesn’t mean you should
- Stick to a budget
(2) 5/11/15 – Jackie Beck, Money Crush: 4 Money Habits that Will Make You Rich
Key Take Away:
- Always, always, always save and invest a portion of your income…If you do this from your very first job on, you’ll have painlessly accumulated a good sum of money.
(3) 4/27/15 – Firas Kittaneh, Entrepreneur: 4 Smart Money Habits to Help You Earn Your First Million Dollars
Key Take Aways:
- Categorize your expenses and monitor your spending
- Invest wisely
(4) 5/17/15 – Dan Rafter, The Tom Hitchens Community via Wisebread: Are You Teaching Your Kids Bad Financial Habits?
Key Take Away:
- Maybe parents don’t trust their parents when it comes to picking friends, music, spouses or even careers, but when it comes to financial advice, parents come out on top.
(5) An Education in Finance Will Help Avoid Future Economic Failures
Key Take Away:
- …parents and caregivers possess the power to shape the money habits of their children. Behaviours they adopt in childhood will affect financial decisions they make in their adult lives.
What are some of your favorite great money habits that you practice and recommend to others?
Pilot Test
See who and where the Dream Big Day Experience is being pilot tested!
Here are two songs and videos from Sammy Rabbit’s Dream Big Song Collection you can use to initiate a discussion with kids of all ages on great money habits!
Song and video 1: Get in the Habit
Song and video 2: Budget