New Song Challenge Let’s Write it Together!


Dr. Elizabeth Elmore of Stockton University Center for Economics and Financial Literacy in New Jersey just reminded me that financial education should be fun. The best financial literacy and education is. It combines knowledge with joy. Let’s see if we can do that now. Let’s write a song or a poem together on great money habits. Ask your students or children of all ages to participate. I just asked high school student and Sammyriffic drum line player Lawrence Francis if he would participate. He agreed. Lawrence has also been an outstanding Sammy Rabbit at several Dream Big financial education events.


Below is a start! And feel free to change some or change all of the lyrics and title. So, if this theme does not do it for you, pick one that does!

Tentative title: My Heart Aches

I’ve been broke so long
Oh I don’t know
where all my
money’s gone

But I do know
How my heart aches
Cause I can’t buy cupcakes
My heart really hurts
When I rub my tummy
thinking how yummy
those cupcakes will taste…

Send us your lyrics. Send us your students lyrics. Perhaps we can turn this into a financial literacy activity that combines knowledge and joy and brings kids, parents and teachers! Why not?


Tim Hamilton, CFP, Financial Families and son above


Submission 1 via Vital Link

I don’t have money to buy those cupcakes
But my purse has coin to get some flour
I will  make my own and sell the rest
Cupcakes will change my life for the best

Revision 1

I don’t have money to buy the cake
I won’t stand here and complain and shake
But my purse has coin to get some flour
I’ll start to bake within the hour
I will  make my own and sell the rest
Cupcakes will change my life for the best

Submission 2 via Hector B.

No matter how long its been
I know one thing
That I have a very big dream
To get those cupcakes and cream
Now let’s get movin’
Work hard and get groovin’

Submission 3 via John Schaefer, Pasadena Federal Credit Union

I can’t afford icing
’cause of all that high pricing
I need a new budget
And I know I can’t fudge it!

Submission 4 via Andrew Schrage, Co-Founder, Money Crashers Blog 

Kudos to Andrew who chose to take us up on our offer to submit an alternate but related theme!

I am just a simple boy
But I don’t know how
I can afford a new toy

Without money to pay
I don’t know how as a simple girl
I can give the local state fair a whirl

If only I can learn
The money I might earn
I could possibly buy
The video games I want to try

If I had the money I need
To my parents I could plead
For that simple bike I want to buy

SUPPORT Sammy’s Dream Big Club Campaign
  • The Objectives: (1) Address financial literacy early (2) Inspire kids to dream big (aim high)
  • Mission 1: Place 100,000 Dream Big Financial Literacy Kits in elementary classrooms by 2020

Let’s grow the Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Club Campaign Network. Let’s empower children’s lives and dreams for generations to come!

