Dream Big Campaign and Club Frequently Asked Questions


Web Location

  1. Organizations | http://thedreambigclub.com/for-organizations/
  2. Individuals | http://thedreambigclub.com/


  1. Address financial literacy early and systematically, when it has the greatest impact on children!
  2. Teach kids to set high expectations
  3. Build kids confidence, esteem, and strategic habits-skills

Mission | What We Seek to Do

  1. Phase 1 | Replicate and scale Dream Big Experiences nationally and globally!
    • How: Place 100,000 Dream Big Financial Literacy Kits in 2nd-3rd grade classrooms by 2020.
    • Kit: Storybook | Music CD | Activity & Instruction Booklet | 1 Yr. Membership in Club
    • FOUR WAYS to LEARN: (1) Reading (2) Discussion (3) Activities (4) Music – Audio Story
  2. Phase 2 | Build Out
    • Dream Big Club | Ongoing and online learning
    • Dream Big Services | Workshops and Training
    • Dream Big Tour | Special Author and Character Experiences | Sam X Renick and Sammy Rabbit
    • Dream Big Merchandise


  1. Habits and attitudes toward money are set early (Cambridge study – by age 7)
  2. It is not easy to talk to and teaching kids about money early
  3. Learning the wrong habits early kills dreams and futures

Expected Impact

  1. Successful execution of the mission means impacting well over one million lives
  2. Since kits will remain in classrooms for years, the long term impact will be greater
  3. We expect compound impact as well, on teachers, parents, and communities from conversations, homework, and media reporting.

How You Can Help

  1. Sponsor a Dream Big Financial Literacy Kit for a Classroom or a Child – $10 plus S&H | ORDER NOW
  2. Be a lead sponsor and spokesperson national or locally
  3. Lead Dream Big Experience – Classroom or group. It is easy. It is gratifying!
  4. Share the Dream Big Campaign

What is a Dream Big Experience?

  1. Dream big are engaging, easy to execute and time efficient learning experiences about big dreams, great money habits , goals and the choices to make big dreams come true. They may also include discussion on college and careers
  2. FOUR WAYS to LEARN: (1) Reading (2) Discussion (3) Activities (4) Music – Audio Story
  3. They can be customized. Minimally they include a reading, discussion, and completion of the Dream Big Statement and Goal Sheet and Dream Big Pledge. They may also include music, activities, arts, crafts and more!

What Do Dream Big Experiences Teach?

  1. Dream big – have high expectations, set goals, plan
  2. Earn, save, give, make smart spending choices
  3. Saving money and reading are great habits
  4. Work hard, do not give up, talk to others (collaborate) when you need support
  5. You can do it: make big dreams come true, accomplish difficult challenges, overcome adversity

Why is it Important to Dream Big?

  1. Big dreams establish high expectations related to personal desires
  2. Big dreams can shape behavior, including learning to delay gratification by saving money

Why are Great Money Habits Important?

  1. Great money habits are important because money is integral to all of life’s experiences.
  2. Habits can last a lifetime. Habits do not discriminate. The right habits can empower any life.
  3. Habits like saving money have multiple benefits beyond the acquisition of money skills. They teach discipline, delayed gratification, preparation, planning, and goals setting.