Dream Big Dance Finance Program Comes to YMCA Summer Camp
“It’s a Habit” is delighted to announce Sammy Rabbit’s Dream Big Day Experience is coming to Weingart East Los Angeles YMCA Summer Camp. The first of a kind initiative teaches lessons on dreaming big, setting goals, dance and finance.
“The program addresses all of our Areas of Focus: Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility,” said YMCA Executive Director, Sam Robles. “Additionally, it ties into another YMCA priority – Cradle to Career Success. The integration of lessons across subject matter provides enormous strategic value.”
The innovative 12 module program will be pilot tested with 5 to 12 year olds in summer camp. The strategy also includes a role for teens to lead modules on a similar basis to what is taking place at with college students at Oklahoma State University.
“We have been very pleased with the pilot testing of the Dream Big Day Experience,” said Sam X Renick, “It’s a Habit” Founder. “Live experiences and training have taken place in Baldwin Park, El Monte, Philadelphia, Sacramento, and Oklahoma. The program is fun. It is purposeful. It is easy to execute. Almost anyone can lead it. And, it is versatile. It can be integrated into every subject matter including health. Our goal is to see the program replicated across the globe. It has never been more critical to educate kids early on great money and health habits.”
You can learn more about the Weingart East Los Angeles YMCA and the programs it offers East Los Angeles families by visiting its website or Facebook page.
And you can immediately start kids to teach kids to dream big by downloading for FREE, Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Day Experience Resources, compliments of Weingart East Los Angeles YMCA.