
Money Smart 101 founder and financial educator Leslie Girone rocked the first Dream Big Day in Philadelphia today. Leslie Girone inspired second grade students at Bache Martin Elementary School  to dream big. Below is Leslie’s first hand field report of the “lead it yourself” experience!

FREE Resource
Big Ol’ Dream Activity Book / Step 1 of 12 to Make Your Big Dreams Come True!

Leslie’s Report from the Field
1. It went really well!!


2. The kids were engaged and I had fun too! Woohooo!

3. The kids were able to predict each chapter title. It’s a great strategy.

4. They laughed out loud during the parts about Garbanzo, especially when Sammy tackled him.

5. When I asked what they would change about the story one student said he would go on a field trip to a water park with a water slide from space. It’s almost 90 degrees today, so I thought that was a clever idea.

5. I played three songs (as time permitted) but would have played more if I could as they were disappointed when the music stopped.


6. I printed out the 12 steps on 12 sheets of paper. It was a good visual and a way to get more kids involved.

7. We talked about going to college, and getting in the habit of saving.

8. I followed the 7 step procedure as outlined. This was helpful and effective.

9. The only things I changed were printing out the 12 steps sheets, and eliminating just a few words from the pledge to make it more concise and easier to recite.

10. The teacher was very thankful. I asked her for constructive feedback and the only thing she said she could think of was to speak a bit slower. Admittedly I’m a fast talker but I will continue to keep that in mind.


11. I’m so glad Dream Big Day finally came to Philly!

GO LESLIE! GO BACHE MARTIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! Work hard to make your big dreams come true!

Connect and check out Leslie and her enterprise Money Smart 101: Web / Facebook / Twitter

Reading and Resources
Leslie Girone – My Journey in Financial Education
5 Steps to Reduce Your Money Worries – Leslie Girone

Join Leslie! Inspire kids to Dream Big!

FREE Dream Big Day Resources compliments of Money $mart 101!

SEE WHO and Where the Dream Big Day Experience is being PILOT TESTED