
Last year, I wrote an article titled, ‘ENOUGH! The Future of Children‘ for Michael Chindamo and my friends at Fautores Family Offices (financial advisors). They are wonderful people who care deeply about children, families, financial security, and the future! I encourage you to read it. It will provide you insight into some of the threats I see confronting children, hence parents, and their future. I share thoughts on why financial literacy is tricky, money habits, the systematic pollution of kids minds and more. The article also provides a list of recent research related to kids and money as well as information on why saving money is an essential habit for children to establish early.

The article contains my thoughts on the future of children. What are you thoughts on the future of children? Below are the thoughts and strategies of others. Enjoy!

Reading is a GREAT HABIT! -Sammy Rabbit

1. Twin Cities Daily Planet – Artika Tyner: What are you reading? The top 6 books on leadership for social justice

…The Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) has been instrumental in shaping a National dialogue on the future of children, providing key research on issues impacting children, and advancing policies which support children’s rights…

2. The Star Online (Malaysia) – Education: Academics focus on early childhood

…Three academicians from SEGi University have published a book on early childhood care and education… “Early Child Care and Education in Malaysia — Towards Professionalisation”…One of the three authors, Foong said a well-trained, motivated and well compensated early childhood care and education workforce, is crucial to the future of children


3. KFDX 3 – Mechell Dixon: United Way Forms Coalition to Help Improve the Future of Children

…These little ones at the YMCA’s Early Childhood and Youth Education Center don’t realize it but the United Way has formed a coalition that is working to make sure they have a good future

4. The Future of Children – Princeton-Brookings Institution: About

…The mission of the Future of Children is to translate the best social science research about children and youth into information that is useful to policymakers, practitioners, grant-makers, advocates, the media, and students of public policy…

5. Huffington Post – Bruce Lesley: Invest in Kids: Restoring the American Dream

…According to a recent nationwide poll by American Viewpoint, by overwhelming margins, American voters believe that the lives of children have gotten worse rather than better over the past decade (57-13 percent)…

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