Wealth Clinic

Mindful wealth! What a fascinating concept and phrase. Today I had the pleasure of being  interviewed by and sharing ideas with Leisa Peterson, author of 5 Simple Steps to Creating Mindful Wealth and founder of the Wealth Clinic.

Leisa is a CFP, a money mindfulness expert, a wealth coach and a Huffington Post blogger. The Wealth Clinic is a global community for learning, sharing, and expanding our experiences with money.

Leisa Peterson

I have to share with you, I am very much aligned with Leisa’s thinking. That is to say, It’s a Habit, Sammy Rabbit and I believe establishing the right “mindset” and “habits” are crucial to kids, families and their futures.

Here is a comparison of the 5 steps to creating mindful wealth in Leisa’s book and what Sammy teaches on great money habits and big dreams.

Leisa Step 1: Develop a MIND-SET for true wealth.
Sammy Rabbit: Saving is a great habit!

Leisa Step 2: Know what you really want
Sammy Rabbit: Dream Big, Set Goals, Plan

Leisa Step 3: Mimic the Habits of the Mindfully Wealthy
Sammy Rabbit: Always Be Learning

Leisa Step 4: Know the Keys to Income Creation
Sammy Rabbit: Earning Money is Fun to Do

Leisa Step 5: Take Action and Stay Accountable
Sammy Rabbit: You Can Do It, Now Let’s Get to It! / Measure Your Progress / Adjust When Necessary

Here are a few of the topics, tips and resources we discussed during the interview.

Topics and Tips
1. Start early. According to a recent University of Cambridge Study, adult money habits are formed prior to age 7
2. Be a great role model for your kids.
3. Take control of the money conversation with your kids or someone else will
4. Be mindful and pay close attention to the language you use when talking to kids about money
5. Encourage kids to dream big and set goals
6. Encourage kids to find work they are passionate about and figure out how to monetize that work. Be patient.
7. Stress fundamentals when teaching kids about money like saving is a great habit, build assets, spend smart
8. Be sure to discuss concepts like “net worth” with older kids in addition to income and revenue producing activities
9. Education is a process. Repetition is a key part of the process. Vary strategies and teaching techniques as frequently as able – discussions, stories, songs, activities, arts, crafts, games, etc.
10. Take advantage of everyday learning situations – “teachable moments”
11. Save, spend smart, give and earn as consistently as you can in accordance with your values

Sammy Rabbit Songs, Stories, Activities: DreamBigDay.net / Kids 5 to 10

Walnut Elementary

Janet Bodnar: Kiplinger – Raising Money Smart Kids / All Ages
David Buten: H&R Block: Budget Challenge / Budgeting / Teens
Bill Dwight: FamZoo.com / Allowance / All Ages
Gerri Detweiler: Credit.com / Consumer Education / Teens and up
Elisabeth Donati: Creative Wealth International / Wealth / Middle & High School
Chad Foster: ChadFoster.com / Financial Literacy / Teens
Lemonade Day: LemonadeDay.org / Entreprenership / Ages 5 to 12 & Mentors
Dr. Robert Manning / Debtor Wise / Credit / Teens and up
Paul Merriman: PaulMerriman.com / Investing / Teens and Up
Ross Riskin: Riskin Advisory / College Planning / Teens, Parents

Alana Golden: California Financial Literacy Blog / Assorted Financial Literacy / Adults
J.Money: Rock Star Finance / Assorted Personal Finance / Teens and up

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